Is there a secret to therapy? Why does it work, which are the ingredients that lead to amelioration and healing? From my point of view the most important element of therapy is the therapeutic  relationship. This is the foundation for all the future work, if it is well constructed, it is the basic ingredient of a good process and prognostic. And the main ingredient of the therapeutic relationship is trust and emotional level of comfort inside of the work frame. Both patient and therapist are actors and evaluators of this relationship. That is why I do recommend a thorough analysis of the inner state of being during the process, you can look at the familiarity you feel, trust level, before and after state of mind, the feeling that the process brings into my life after I leave the session. We all have the ability to do such an analysis, and I encourage you to do so. Trust your instincts and choose in line with your inner gut feeling and the vibe you have. This is the first and most likely the most important secret of a well done therapy.

Author: Alex

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